Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...
Matthew 28:19
The missions ministry at Carmel has been the lifeblood of the church over the last 30+ years. During this time, hundreds of members of the congregation have participated in over 50 mission trips. Regular financial giving to missions and support of missionaries are also ways the church supports missions. One way we support the cause of Christ is by giving financial support to over 200 missionaries and counting. Jesus commanded to the church, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." This is the primary reason for the Church's existence, and we want to be a part of fulfilling this Great Commission. Carmel participates in 2-3 trips per year. These range from AIM trips (evangelism) to MAPS (building). Missions is truly a life-changing experience and is a vital part of Carmel Assembly, and we regularly encourage our congregation to experience this first hand.

Part of our vision to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ includes ministry right here in our community. We believe in helping others as best we can, showing love and compassion to those in need. We offer food assistance, have an onsite clothes closet, and host several outreach events throughout the year. We love our community, and w e want to be a light and a blessing to those around us.
- Food/Clothing Distribution
- Sick/Shut-in Visits
- Nursing Home Visits
- Door-to-door Visits
- Outreach Events